Rotary Club of New Bombay Seaside - Rotary India

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Total Services 14
Cervical Cancer Vaccination Camp I

HPV VACCINATION CAMP The Rotary Club of New Bombay Seaside success. . .

The Living Constitution

Talk by Dr. Lucky Kasat on "The Living Constitution of India" On. . .

Kalasarjana 3 Art for Heart Day III

Kalasarjana III Art for Heart - Fund Raising Project Art Music an. . .

Kalarsarjana III Art for saving Heart Day II

Kalasarjana III Art for Heart - Fund Raising Project Art Music an. . .

Kalasarjana III - Art for Saving Heart Day I

Kalasarjana III Art for Heart - Fund Raising Project Art Music an. . .

Cervical cancer Awareness workshop

*Cervical Cancer Awareness Workshop at Vidya Bhavan School:* As pa. . .

Pulse Polio Vaccination

Rotary international Supported Pulse Polio Vaccination Drive Date. . .

Importance of Tree cover in Urban areas.

Global Grants Project - Matahdi Hospital

Providing Ultra sound(Sonography ) equipment with UPS & Printer and. . .

CPR Workshop at Nerul Fire Station

A successful CPR Workshop was conducted at Nerul Fire Station, bene. . .

TATA Hospital Annapurna Project

As part of the ongoing ?All Day Dinner? initiative, which began on . . .

Diwali Celebration at Shikshangan Nerul

*Rotary Club of New Bombay Seaside* *Diwali Celebration Report* *D. . .

Rotary Navi Mumbai Flags Off ALL DAY DINNER

Rotary Navi Mumbai Flags Off “ALL DAY DINNER” Project for Cancer Pa. . .

Cervical Cancer vaccination for girls

We are aligned with Dist 3142 for providing Cervical Vaccination to. . .

Installation of Interact Club of Tilak School.

1. The Interact Club of Tilak School was officially formed on Augus. . .

Independence Day Celebration at Shikshangan

We celebrated Independence day with the children of the Sikshangan . . .

Mission Hariyal

Mission Hariyali - 50 tree saplings of different fruits and indigen. . .


Distribution of food for about 100 persons cancer patients & their . . .